Market data

Market Data contain all prices and quotes for all listed and traded shares, bonds, funds and seruitized derivatives – in real-time, delayed or end of day quality on Börse Stuttgart. Depending on the package this includes all prices, quotes, volumes and much more information.

Additionally we provide data for Euwax Sentiment and Order Book Data.

Assets currently listed at Börse Stuttgart

Asset class Number of instruments 
Securitized derivatives
Shares 10.509
Bonds 21.615
Funds/ETPs 3.807
Profit participation certificates

Status: 02/2023

Order Book Data

Order Book Data of Börse Stuttgart include the following information:

  • Information to order, for example order placement, order alteration, order cancellation, etc.

  • Information to kind of order, for example order purchase or selling order

  • Information to order type, for example Stop Buy Market Order, Stop Loss Market Order, Event Driven Order

  • Information to the underlying price of the order, for example opening price, cash price

Detailled information is set out in the specification to the Order Book Data.

Overview Choose between three packages Learn more

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Team Data

Phone: +49 711 222985-343
E-mail: [email protected]